Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Sorry it has taken me so long to post again.  Mom started her radiation and chemo treatments almost 2 weeks ago.  She is doing very well with the treatment, which we are so grateful for!!  Everyday we take her up to the South Jordan Huntsman clinic and she receives her radiation treatment.  It is very quick and painless and she seems to be handling it really well.  She takes a pill form of chemo every night and will continue to do that with her radiation treatments.  She has had 10 radiation treatments out of the 33, so we're almost half way.  Mom is starting to seem more like herself lately too.  She's happy and optimistic and very grateful that she is handling the treatment so well.  The first night she took her chemo she said she woke up in the middle of the night and was so excited because she wasn't throwing up!  She thought maybe the more she took it the worse she would get but that hasn't been the case.  Some mornings she feels more nauseous than others but overall she is handling it all really well!!  When I talked to mom yesterday she was so excited, she said that she walked from the car, into the clinic and back to her appt, all by herself!!  Mom hasn't been able to walk for long distances without help since this whole thing started, so this was a great accomplishment for her!  She was so proud of herself and we're all so proud of her as well for her positive attitude and determination!!

I have to share something funny that happened the other day while I was texting my mom.  She was cracking me up.  Here's our texts back and forth:

Mom:  will you text me so I can see if my phone makes a sound
Me:  How are you feeling?
Mom: do it again
Me: K
Mom: oh my gosh now it announces your name! I need help! :)  I'm doing better as the day goes on.  I washed my hair this morning and I'm exhausted! Lol
Me:  Lol!  glad you're feeling better.
Mom: Now I did something and it doesn't do anything!  This phone is so different now I don't even know how to work it.
Me: Did they do something to your phone?
Mom: They had to do something with the call forwarding and I don't know how to reset it.
Me: Oh ok.
Mom:  Now it makes no sound!  You're going to have to help me! :)
Me: I can look at it when I come over again.
Mom: ok, no worries.
Me:  I'll see you in a little bit.
Mom:  I got it to beep, yeah!!!!
Me:  Lol, you're cracking me up!! :)
Mom:  I know it doesn't take much to excite me! Lol!

I don't know if any of you find this funny but I was cracking up the whole time.  It's so good to have mom back and in good spirits!  Love her so much and continue to pray everyday for a miracle!  Thanks to all of you for your continued prayers and support, we love you all!  We'll post again in another week or 2.

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